
My Green Lab has made a name for itself as the world’s most reliable green lab certification for laboratories and laboratory products.

To further advance and accelerate progress on their mission of building a global culture of sustainability in science, and to make the certification process even more robust, they introduced a separate third-party verification entity, Impact Laboratories.

My Green Lab reached out to Brandpie to help create a brand strategy and visual identity for the new entity.


We positioned Impact Laboratories as ‘the world’s most trusted green lab certification’ with a clearly defined ambition of ‘enabling scientists to confidently measure and accelerate their progress to sustainability’.

From the core positioning we built out a full messaging hierarchy based around three key pillars that foster confidence:
1. Data-driven through third–party verification
2. Transparency
3. Platform rigor

To bring the strategy to life we developed a full verbal and visual identity, and designed, developed, and launched a website.

Brandpie also helped shape PR materials and communications around the roll-out to create top-of-mind awareness and consideration among all stakeholders.

They captured our essence brilliantly, creating a strong brand identity that has garnered positive feedback and enhanced our industry credibility. I highly recommend Brandpie for their creativity, professionalism, and ability to deliver outstanding results.
James Connelly

CEO, My Green Lab

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An identity to advance the most trusted lab certification

We conducted interviews to decipher what scientists value and need from a certification, and the stories that resonate with them to deliver the new brand identity.

The Impact Laboratories design displays a robust professionalism and shows up with a gravitas that positions them as a very credible partner for both commercial and academic organizations – while not losing the passion, community focus and purposeful mission of My Green Lab.

Even the logo itself has been meticulously designed with this in mind, symbolizing Impact Laboratories as verifier of the world’s most trusted green lab certification but also paying homage to the strong brand awareness of their parent organization.

Brandpie's work on our brand and website has been exceptional, seamlessly blending our previous brand's magic with a fresh, professional look for our third-party certification activities.
James Connelly

CEO, My Green Lab


Driving consideration with a new website

Finally, the new visual identity and messaging was encompassed in a new website, designed to showcase the three pillars, drive the mission of sustainability in a contemporary way that reflects the leadership position of Impact Laboratories, and gives scientists total confidence in a certification that is now even more credible thanks to third-party verification.

Visit the website >