In our recent survey of 250+ CEOs and Marketing leaders, we discovered that while 94% of energy companies measure the impact of their brand, almost half admit their brand is ineffective. Furthermore, virtually all of those polled (98%) indicate that their organisation will need to adjust its brand strategy to meet the evolving needs and expectations of the energy sector.

In our latest report, ‘Clarity through complexity: The Brandpie Energy Report,’ we delve into the critical role that a purposeful and well-executed brand, as well as a concerted dedication to talent mobilization, plays in steering energy companies through necessary change.

This comprehensive whitepaper comprises:

  • Interviews with senior representatives from leading energy companies, including SLB and Statkraft.
  • Data from a survey of 251 CEOs and Senior Marketing Leaders at global energy companies with 5,000+ employees.
  • Extensive desk research, reviewing the latest stats, trends and insights from the energy sector.
  • Real-world case studies to provide a practical lens on the benefits of rebranding projects in the energy sector.

The need for change

The energy sector is facing unprecedented challenges, making change more imperative than ever. But exacting this change is complex and difficult. Cited barriers such as technological limitations (20%) and financial constraints (18%) within organizations are exacerbated further by geopolitical challenges and supply chain issues.

During this turbulent time, energy companies have a responsibility to provide as much clarity as possible to their customers, colleagues and stakeholders.

This is where having a clear purpose can have an outsized effect.

The power of purpose

Across the backdrop of these issues, plus the emergence of new and developing ESG expectations, many companies are reinventing themselves. This makes it a pivotal time for energy companies to ensure their purpose is far-reaching, participative, and authentic enough in order to create strong foundations for brand and talent mobilization.

A powerful purpose can help energy companies to: demonstrate their commitment to cleaner, green solutions; communicate their efforts to address supply chain disruptions; and build resilience, in turn increasing trust amongst consumers and stakeholders.

Why does being purpose-driven matter?

Taking into account all of the above and looking at the current state (and moreover, the future) of the energy sector, being purpose-driven is crucial.

A strong purpose helps drive customer preference and allows companies to lead the charge when it comes to talent mobilization.

Purpose-driven companies tend to attract and retain top talent. And businesses which are purpose-led are able to better communicate their values and priorities, and make more informed decisions on the company’s strategic direction.

Clarity through complexity

By diving deep into the challenges currently facing the energy sector, this report explains how organizations can use the power of purpose to successfully build a strong brand, supercharge talent mobilization and secure a more profitable and sustainable future for all stakeholders.

Download the report here.