VYTALS is a real-time online crowdsourcing solution that brings employees together to capture opinions, evaluate ideas and stimulate innovation.
Unlike traditional employee surveys, VYTALS helps businesses move from insight to action in weeks versus months.
It’s how we help our clients find the right answers to their business challenges, faster - see how we've helped Astra Zeneca and TMF.
Our experience
Used on client projects
VYTALS sessions run
Employee participants
Drive the change your
business needs

Engage on-line with employees at speed & scale

Anonymous employee feedback ensures deep, truthful insight

Real-time crowdsourcing builds company wide alignment

Drive change with expert recommendations from Brandpie
Delivered by experienced
Brandpie consultants
Step 1
Brandpie will work with you to understand business requirements. Choose from an existing VYTALS solution or we can build a bespoke approach that meets your needs.
Step 2
We'll run a series of facilitated VYTALS online focus groups with a selection of your employees (up to 100 per session) to gather insight, evaluate and prioritize ideas.
Step 3
Brandpie will analyze results and provide a detailed report outlining recommended actions for your business.