We believe creative cultures are powered by a mix of curious minds with a rich variety of perspectives. That’s why diversity has been a part of our DNA from the day Brandpie was born. We define diversity in its broadest sense – nationality, race, gender, social class and experience. Our 62 employees comprise over a dozen nationalities who have worked across many disciplines, both agency and client side.
As agents of positive change we aim to lead the way, by becoming a more diverse, equitable and inclusive company. And more remains to be done. Overcoming structural racism and bias is hard. There is no single solution.
At Brandpie we’re testing the ingredients that will create the most impact. We are focused on two key areas. Firstly we’re striving to make sure we have our own house in order. And secondly we’re exploring how best we can help our industry address and overcome the structural issues that lead to inequality.
Key ingredients
It takes real effort to address unconscious biases and to actively learn about the complex issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. That’s why we continue to invest in training and educational resources. Funding is also available for employees to attend relevant conferences. We have also created a growing directory of anti-racism reading so that everyone in our business has the opportunity to educate themselves.

Outreach & collaboration
We actively build relationships with industry pressure groups, educational institutions, and grassroots organizations in our local communities, in order to expand our network and create a more diverse talent pipeline.
It’s hard to argue with hard data. That’s why we are sharing annual workforce diversity data and measuring our success against that data.

We have a dedicated diversity steering group, chaired by a Brandpie partner. The group meets quarterly, recommends actions to global leadership, formulates policies and ensures the business is upholding its commitments and is actively pursuing positive change.
Active recruitment
In 2020 we introduced a new active recruitment policy that helps us reach and forge deeper relationships with communities that are under-represented in our industry.
This charter is our recipe for positive change. It’s a recipe that will change over time as we collaborate with others, listen and learn more.